Dear Customer,

Hope you are doing well.We would like to bring to your attention upcoming price revisionsNew Prices,

For the last 9-10 years we have not increased our Web hosting plans pricing and offering very cost-effective

hosting along with free domain, free domain privacy & many more freebies. Unfortunately, due to a sudden price

increase by cPanel, Other Software, Hardware, and even Domain Registry, We have decided to revise the pricing

of our Shared hosting plans i.e. Linux Shared Hosting & Windows Shared packages.

Our Shared Hosting products come with access to a feature-rich control panel and other Sofware to help you easily manage your hosting plan. In 2020,2021 and 2022 cPanel announced an increase in its pricing. Since cPanel is a user-friendly and highly responsive hosting management solution, we would like to give you continued access.

After considering multiple approaches to best address this change in a way that is least disruptive to you and your business, we have decided to revise the renewal pricing of (monthly, Annually and Biennially billing cycle) your hosting package.

You can have a look at the revised renewal pricehereand the same price increase comes into effect on 01/11/2021.

Note: Triennially Billing cycle Prices to remain the same with no price increase.



Friday, October 1, 2021

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